RFID UHF Wearable Reader is a compact, lightweight, high performance data collection reader. It is offered in two styles, finger wearable OR wrist wearable. Designed to read and write to EPC Class 1 Gen 2 (ISO18000-6C) UHF transponders and communicates with any Android mobile phone. The reader is connected to Android mobile with OTG USB port OR via wireless communications.
Free APKs are available for applications like Inventory, Tracking, Solar panel Reader as per MNRE guidelines, Tolling, Payments and many more.
The WUB-421220 draws very little power from the host only when reading. Thus eliminating battery charging completely.
Model URW – 311209
The RFID “URW – 311209” Desktop UHF Reader/ writer is designed to read and write to EPC Class 1 Gen 2 (ISO18000-6C) UHF transponders and communicate with PC or Cloud software.
URW- 311209 gives user the highest levels of performance, flexibility and simplicity of operation currently available in market today.
Our free SDK and with 1 met read range of URW – 311209, one can develop any RFID application in no time.
With our ‘UHF Card Reader’ software, RFID tags can be initialized in any cloud software with ease.